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SurviveJS - Summer Events



Summer is a great time to travel and see new places. So far I’ve scheduled three events for the Summer although more may appear depending on the public interest.

GrazJS - 06-07.06.2018

The first event where I’ll take part this Summer is GrazJS meetup on 6th of June. We’ll do workshops on 7th so if you are interested in either ReasonML, design systems, or webpack, this is your chance to get a deep dive into the topic.

JIMDO Dev Talks - 28.06.2018

I will be going to Hamburg on 28th of June to participate in JIMDO Dev Talks event as a guest speaker.

JSCamp Barcelona - 18-20.07.2018

I will go to JSCamp Barcelona in July. You can get -10% off if you use my promocode.


The Summer is shaping up nicely and more events might come up. It’s likely we’ll organize local events especially in the context of React Vienna.
